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ATTENTION: Get your Adobe 9A0-036 certification easily with,Flydumps latest Adobe 9A0-036 exam dumps. All the up-to-date questions and answers were added to the new version.Go to the site to get more Adobe 9A0-036 exam
You create an alpha channel _________.
A. to hold color data for a document
B. to create transparency for a layer
C. to create transparency for a JPEG file
D. to localize Optimization settings in Save for Web
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 73
You have saved a selection as a channel. You want to modify that channel with a new selection. You want to add white within the newly selected area on the alpha channel. You choose Select > Save Selection.
What should you do?
A. select the alpha channel and click the Add to Channel button
B. select the alpha channel and click the Exclude Overlapping button
C. select the alpha channel and click the Intersect with Channel button
D. select the alpha channel and click the Subtract from Channel button
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 74
Which type of channel stores selections for editing specific parts of an image?
A. color channels
B. alpha channels
C. masking channel
D. spot color channels
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 75
You want to create an image that will be printed using black ink plus onePantone?color. What should you do?
A. add a color swatch for thePantone?colorand use the color on any layer
B. create an alpha channel for the elements that will use thePanatone?color
C. create a spot color channel for the elements that will use thePanatone?color
D. create a layer set and add elements that will print in thePantone?colorto any layer within the layer set
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 76
Using Filter Gallery, you want to preview the effect of applying several distortion and artistic filters. Which statement is true?
A. You can adjust the opacity of each filter layer.
B. You can preview the filters’ effect on more than one layer at a time.
C. You can add more filters in those categories with the Preset Manager.
D. You can change the order in which the filters will be applied before applying a gallery.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 77
Your foreground swatch isred,your background swatch is orange. Wherever you paint, you want to replace only orange with red. You do NOT want affect luminosity values.
Which tool should you use?
A. Brush tool
B. Magic Eraser tool
C. Art History Brush tool
D. Color Replacement tool
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 78
You have made a selection of an area of an image you need to repair. Using the Patch tool, you want to drag the selection to the area that will serve as a patch.
Which Patch tool option should you choose?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 79
Which tool should you sue to repair a portion of an image so that texture detail from one area of an image merges with the color and brightness values from another?
A. Clone Stamp
B. History Brush
C. Healing Brush
D. Color Replacement
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 80
A scanned photograph exhibits substantial graininess and diminished sharpness. You want to sharpen the image without increasing the grain.
Which control in theUnsharpMask filter should you use?
A. Fade
B. Radius
C. Amount
D. Threshold
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 81
Which option from the Brushes palette allows you to determine the number and placement of marks in a stroke?
A. Texture
B. Scattering
C. Shape Dynamics
D. Brush Tip Shapes
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 82
The Aligned checkbox for the Pattern Stamp tool in the Options Bar ensures that ______.
A. all areas painted with the tool are continuations of the same underlying pattern
B. you are sampling from the same pixels in the pattern with which you are painting
C. you are sampling from the same relative point in the pattern with which you are painting
D. the upper left corner of the pattern with which you are painting is aligned with the beginning of each brush stroke
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 83
You have been editing an image. You want to restore certain small areas of the image to their condition before you last several edits.
Which tool or command should you use?
A. Eraser tool
B. Edit > Undo
C. History Brush tool
D. Edit > Step Backward
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 84
You are creating a layer style that includes a Bevel and Emboss.
What allows you to sculpt the ridges, valleys, and bumps that are shaded in the embossing process?
A. spread
B. contour
C. shading
D. blend mode
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 85
You use the Magic Eraser tool on the background.
What is the result?
A. The background becomes Layer 0 and the pixels similar in color to the one clicked become transparent.
B. The background becomes Layer 0 and the pixels similar in color to the one clicked become filled with background color.
C. The background remains and the pixels similar in color to the one clicked become filled with background color.
D. The background remains and the pixels similar in color to the one clicked become filled with black.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 86
You have several layers in a layer set. You want to the layers in that set to blend with one another first, and then with the rest of the layers in the document.
Which blending mode should you use for the layer set?
A. Normal
B. Hard Mix
C. Exclusion
D. Pass Through
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 87
A Photoshop document has several paths. You want to use one of them as a vector mask. What should you do?
A. chooseLayer > Add Vector Mask then choose a path from the resulting dialog box.
B. select the patch in the Paths palette, then choose Layer > Add Vector Mask > Current Path
C. copy the path to the clipboard, choose Layer > Add Vector Mask; then Edit > Paste
D. choose Layer > Add Vector Mask, then drag the path from the Paths palette onto the Vector Mask thumbnail
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 88
The topmost of several layers in a document is a shape layer. You want that shape to define a hole in all the layers of the image.
What should you do?
A. select the top layer, and choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask
B. link all layers, then choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask from Linked
C. in the top layer’s Blending Options, set the Opacity to 0%, and Knockout to Deep
D. in the top layer’s Blending Options, set the Fill Opacity to 0%, and knockout to Deep
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 89
You have created a raster layer mask that is currently hiding too much of a layer. You want to reveal more of the layer.
What should you do?
A. select the mask and paint with white
B. select the mask and paint with black C. create a path around the area you need to reveal, then create a vector mask
D. create a path with Intersect Shape Areas selected around the area you need to reveal, then create a vector mask
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 90
You want to restrict the visibility of one layer to only where it overlaps the visible content of the layer below it.
What should you do?
A. select the lower of the two layers and choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask
B. holddown Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click on the line between the two layers.
C. Link the two layers,thenchoose Create New Set from Linked from the Layers palette menu.
D. Select both layers, then click on the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers palette
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 91
You are suing the Shadow/Highlight command to correct an underexposed image. Which value determines the scale size for corrections?
A. Radius
B. Amount
C. Tonal Width
D. MidtoneContrast
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 92
You have several images of a subject. One has the correct tonal and color characteristics. You want to adjust the other to look like the correct one.
Which option from the Image > Adjustments menu should you use?
A. Auto Color
B. Match Color
C. Replace Color
D. Selective Color
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 93
What would you most likely need to do afterresamplinga 20 megabyte image to 100 kilobytes using BicubicInterpolation?
A. Blur
B. Sharpen
C. Add Noise
D. Auto Levels
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 94
The shadows and highlights in a document are too light and too dark respectively. The color of the image, however, is satisfactory.
Which option in the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box should you choose?
A. Snap NeutralMidtones
B. Find Dark & Light Colors
C. Enhance Per Channel Contrast
D. Enhance Monochromatic Contrast
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 95
You have createda curvesadjustment layer that you only want applied to the Rubber ducky layer. You notice that the adjustment layer darkens the entire composition.
What should you do?
A. put the beach layer above the adjustment layer
B. create a clipping mask with the Rubber Ducky layer
C. put the Rubber Ducky layer above the adjustment layer
D. create a layer set with the adjustment and Rubber Duckylaers
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 96
You are trying to lighten a dark subject in your image by using the Shadow/Highlight command, but the midtonesand lighter areas are changing too much.
What should you do?
A. increase the Shadow Amount
B. decrease the Shadow Amount
C. Increase the Shadow Tonal Width
D. Decrease the Shadow Tonal Width
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 97
You are working in the Levels dialog box. The pixels in the image cover a range from 0-220. You want to increase the contrast in the highlight areas of the image.
What should you do?
A. increase the value for the black Input Level
B. decrease the value for the white Input Level
C. increase the value for the black Output Level
D. decrease the value for the white Output Level
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 98
You are using Camera RAW to import an image. You want the leftmost data in the histogram to be farther to the left with little effect on the right.
Which slider under the Adjust tab should you use?
A. Contrast
B. Shadows
C. Exposure
D. Brightness
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 99
While opening a Camera Raw image, you notice that the image has a slight color cast. Which setting in the Camera Raw dialog box should you adjust to eliminate the color cast?
A. Calibrate
B. Color Space
C. White Balance
D. Chromatic Aberration R/C
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 100
What is the purpose of setting a pixel aspect ratio for an image?
A. to draw perfect squares or circles with the Marquee tool
B. to constrain the promotions of an image when it is scaled
C. to ensure that the resolution of the image is appropriate for printing
D. to compensate for scaling when the image is incorporated into video
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 101
You are creating a graphic that is to be used in anAnamorphic(2:1) video product. You sue the Ellipse tool while holding down the Shift key. Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction preview is disabled.
How does the result appear in Photoshop?
A. a circle with pixels twice as tall as they are wide
B. a circle with pixels twice as wide as they are tall
C. an ellipse twice as tall as it is wide with square pixels
D. an ellipse twice as wide as it is tall with square pixels
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 102
You create an alpha channel _________.
A. to hold color data for a document
B. to create transparency for a layer
C. to create transparency for a JPEG file
D. to localize Optimization settings in Save for Web
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 103
Which type of channel stores selections for editing specific parts of an image?
A. color channels
B. alpha channels
C. masking channel
D. spot color channels
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 104
You want to create an image that will be printed using black ink plus onePantone?Color. What should you do?
A. add a color swatch for thePantone?colorand use the color on any layer
B. create an alpha channel for the elements that will use thePantone?color
C. create a spot color channel for the elements that will use thePantone?color
D. create a layer set and add elements that will print in thePanatone?colorto any layer within the layer set
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 105
You have saved a selection as a channel. You want to modify that channel with a new selection. You want to add white within the newly selected area on the alpha channel. You choose Select > Save Selection.
What should you do?
A. select the alpha channel and click the Add to Channel button
B. select the alpha channel and click the Exclude Overlapping button
C. select the alpha channel and click the Intersect with Channel button
D. select the alpha channel and click the Subtract from Channel button
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 106
You have used the File Browser to rotate, flag, and rank images in a directory. You want to burn the entire directory to a CD while maintaining the settings in the File Browser.
Which File Browser command should you use?
A. File > Purge Cache
B. File > Export Cache
C. Edit > Append Metadata
D. Edit > Replace Metadata
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 107
Yourasterizea type layer to __________.
A. useLiquify
B. apply al layer style
C. use Free Transform
D. use an adjustment layer
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 108
Which statement is true about using the command File > Place to place artwork in an image?
A. The artwork will be placed on a new layer.
B. You can choose to place the artwork as pixels or paths.
C. You can choose which resolution to use for the imported artwork.
D. The file formats you can place are the same as those in which you can save a Photoshop file.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 109
A digital camera supported by Adobe Photoshop was set for tungsten lighting when a photograph was made in daylight. The photograph was made in the camera’s RAW mode.
What should you do?
A. when opening the document, adjust the tint slider in the Camera RAW dialog box
B. after opening the document, use the Assign Profile dialog box to the chooseProPhotoRGBICprofile
C. after opening the document, use the Color Settings dialog box to the chooseProPhotoRGBICprofile
D. when opening the document, choose daylight under the White Balance menu in the Camera RAW dialog box
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 110
Which file format should you sue to preserve variable transparency in an image to be used on a web page?
Correct Answer: C Adobe 9A0-036 material details are researched and created by the most professional certified authors who are regularly using current exams experience to create precise and logical dumps. You can get Adobe 9A0-036 questions and answers from many other websites or books, but logic is the main key of success. And will give you this key of success.
Written by Ralph K. Merritt
We are here to help you study for Cisco certification exams. We know that the Cisco series (CCNP, CCDE, CCIE, CCNA, DevNet, Special and other certification exams are becoming more and more popular, and many people need them. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we are committed to providing candidates with the most comprehensive and comprehensive Accurate exam preparation resources help them successfully pass the exam and realize their career dreams. The Exampass blog we established is based on the Pass4itsure Cisco exam dump platform and is dedicated to collecting the latest exam resources and conducting detailed classification. We know that the most troublesome thing for candidates during the preparation process is often the massive amount of learning materials and information screening. Therefore, we have prepared the most valuable preparation materials for candidates to help them prepare more efficiently. With our rich experience and deep accumulation in Cisco certification, we provide you with the latest PDF information and the latest exam questions. These materials not only include the key points and difficulties of the exam, but are also equipped with detailed analysis and question-answering techniques, allowing candidates to deeply understand the exam content and master how to answer questions. Our ultimate goal is to help you study for various Cisco certification exams, so that you can avoid detours in the preparation process and get twice the result with half the effort. We believe that through our efforts and professional guidance, you will be able to easily cope with exam challenges, achieve excellent results, and achieve both personal and professional improvement. In your future career, you will be more competitive and have broader development space because of your Cisco certification.
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