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Flydumps practice test training resources are versatile and highly compatible with Microsoft exam formats. We provide up to date resources and comprehensive coverage on PostgreSQL-CE PGCES-02 exam dumps help you to advance your skills.
QUESTION: 25 The tables “t1” and “t2” are defined below. The tables “t1” and “t2” have columns “id” which are type of INTEGER and column “name”s which are type of TEXT. t1 t2 The following SQL command was executed. Select the number of rows in the result. SELECT
2 rows
3 rows
4 rows
5 rows
6 rows
Answer: D
Select two suitable statements about major version upgrades of PostgreSQL from below.
A. You can use the databases of the old major version.
B. To use the data from the old version, you only need to replace the program.
C. To use the data from the old version, you need to conduct a backup and restore.
D. There is a possibility of configuration parameter changes after major version upgrades.
E. Upgrade scripts can be executed while the old version of PostgreSQL is running.
Answer: C, D
Select one incorrect statement concerning the relational data model.
A. It expresses the real world in a collection of 2-dimensional tables called a relation.
B. It is a model based on set theory.
C. It has a logical structure independent of physical data structure.
D. It is made up of a multiple stage hierarchy where each of the set elements has parent child relationships.
E. It is a model that was proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970.
Answer: D
Select two incorrect statements concerning PostgreSQL license.
A. It can be used freely.
B. It can be duplicated freely.
C. It can be freely redistributed.
D. Developers are responsible for its maintenance support.
E. Developers are only responsible for handling its crucial faults.
Answer: D, E
Select the most suitable statement about PostgreSQL from below.
A. PostgreSQL is a card-type database management system.
B. PostgreSQL is a hierarchical database management system.
C. PostgreSQL is a network-type database management system.
D. PostgreSQL is an XML database management system.
E. PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.
Answer: E
Select the most suitable statement about the PostgreSQL license from below.
A. PostgreSQL is distributed under the GPL license.
B. PostgreSQL is distributed under the PostgreSQL license.
C. PostgreSQL is distributed under the LGPL license.
D. PostgreSQL is distributed under the BSD license.
E. PostgreSQL is distributed under the X11(MIT) license.
Answer: D
Select one incorrect statement regarding psql.
A. psql is an interactive SQL interpreter that enables a user to enter queries.
B. For system security, only the PostgreSQL administrator account is allowed to use psql.
C. “psql -l” displays a database list.
D. “psql -U jan” will connect to the database called jan.
E. Commands that begin with a backslash are processed internally in psql.
Answer: B
I would like to insert the contents of the text file users.dat into the table t1 using psql. Contents
of text file users.dat:
Definition of table t1:
CREATE TABLE t1 (uname TEXT, pass TEXT, id INTEGER); Select the most appropriate
input from those below.
A. \copy t1 FROM users.dat WITH DELIMITER ‘:’
B. \copy t1 TO users.dat WITH DELIMITER ‘:’
C. INSERT INTO t1 FROM file(‘users.dat’);
D. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT uname, pass, id FROM file(‘users.dat’);
E. \insert t1 FROM users.dat WITH DELIMITER ‘:’;
Answer: A
Select one correct statement about the createlang command.
A. It is a command for setting the locale for a database.
B. It is a command for registering a procedural language into a database.
C. It is a command for creating a user defined function.
D. It is a command for adding message catalogs.
E. It is a command that has been discarded for version 8 and later.
Answer: B
What does the following command do? Select two correct descriptions regarding this SQL
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;
A. Requests a list of defined tables in the currently connected database.
B. Requests a list of defined tables in the “information_schema” database.
C. Requests the contents of the “tables” table in the “information_schema” database.
D. Requests the contents of the “tables” table in the “information_schema” schema.
E. Requests a list of defined tables in the “information_schema” schema.
Answer: A, D
QUESTION: 35 Select two correct statements that describe what occurs on the client side when the following command is executed.
pg_ctl -m smart stop
A. Clients will not be able to make new connections.
B. The running transaction for a connected client is rolled back and the connection is disconnected forcibly.
C. Connections are terminated after the currently running transactions have finished.
D. The processes of currently connected clients are processed normally.
E. Connected clients receive a message saying that the server will soon be shutdown.
Answer: A, D
QUESTION: 36 Select two correct statements about the command shown below. Note: $ is the command prompt. $ pg_ctl reload
A. The command forces the content of pg_hba.conf to be re-read into PostgreSQL server process.
B. The command temporarily stops the PostgreSQL server process and restart it.
C. The command re-reads the postgresql.conf details into the PostgreSQL server process and changes the values of any configuration parameters that can be changed.
D. The command forces the content of the database cluster to be re-read into PostgreSQL server process.
E. The command causes a recovery to be performed from a standard backup file in the PostgreSQL server process.
Answer: A, C
QUESTION: 37 I would like to set the default character encoding for the client to Unicode. Select the most appropriate configuration parameter in postgresql.conf from those below.
A. backend_encoding = UNICODE
B. frontend_encoding = UNICODE
C. client_encoding = UNICODE
D. default_encoding = UTF8
E. encoding = UTF8
Answer: C
QUESTION: 38 Select two correct statements about the command shown below. Note: $ is the command prompt. $ dropdb -U foo foodb
A. If foo doesn’t have the OS superuser privilege, an error will occur.
B. If any table definition remains in database foodb, an error will occur.
C. This command removes database foodb.
D. This command removes all of the objects inside the database foodb.
E. The same process can be performed using the SQL command “DROP DATABASE”.
Answer: C, E
QUESTION: 39 I would like to copy a database cluster directory for backup. Select two incorrect statements from below.
A. The directory must be copied after stopping the database server.
B. When using the Tablespace function, it is necessary to back up the directory that stores the tablespace as well.
C. A database cluster that has been restored can be used on a separate machine with the same structure.
D. A database cluster that has been restored can be used on a newer version of PostgreSQL.
E. A database cluster that has been restored can be used on an older version of PostgreSQL.
Answer: D, E
Select the correct command to collect and save the statistical information of a table.
Answer: A
QUESTION: 41 Choose the most suitable statement about user management of PostgreSQL. Note: the version of PostgreSQL is 8.0.
A. Usernames not registered in the operating system cannot be registered as PostgreSQL users.
B. To create a new user for PostgreSQL, the “newuser” command is used.
C. PostgreSQL cannot be in a state where multiple users exist at the same time.
D. If you create a user that has permission to create other users, that user will become a superuser that is not subject to any access restriction checks.
E. To delete an existing user for PostgreSQL, “deleteuser” command is used.
Answer: D
QUESTION: 42 I would like to enable all users to SELECT the “item” table. Select the most appropriate SQL statement from below.
A. GRANT public SELECT ON item;
B. GRANT SELECT ON item TO public;
C. REVOKE ‘r’ ON item TO public;
D. REVOKE READ ON item TO public;
E. REVOKE public SELECT ON item;
Answer: B
QUESTION: 43 Configuration file pg_hda.conf is set as below on a host currently running PostgreSQL. local all all trust host all all reject host all all trust Select a host IP address which is authorized to connect to this database via the network. Note: INET domain socket communication is available.
E. None can be connected.
Answer: C
QUESTION: 44 Select one correct command to shutdown the postmaster AFTER all the clients have disconnected.
A. pg_ctl stop
B. pg_ctl -m fast stop
C. pg_ctl -m immediate stop
D. pg_ctl -m wait stop
E. pg_ctl -s stop
Answer: A
Select the most appropriate setting to output the log messages of the database to syslog.
A. “syslog = true” in postgresql.conf.
B. “log_destination = 0” in postgresql.conf.
C. “log_destination = 1” in postgresql.conf.
D. “log_destination = 2” in postgresql.conf.
E. “log_destination = syslog” in postgresql.conf.
Answer: E
Select one option which cannot be specified using createdb.
A. Database locale
B. Character encoding
C. Host name
D. Database owner
E. Template database
Answer: A
QUESTION: 47 You have just added an option “listen_addresses = ‘localhost'” in postgresql.conf. When will this setting take effect?
A. This change will take effect as soon as postgresql.conf is saved.
B. This change will take effect by executing “pg_ctl reload”.
C. This change will take effect by executing “pg_ctl restart”.
D. This change will take effect after rebooting the OS, because the new option is recorded as an OS parameter.
E. This setting is invalid unless the change is made while postmaster is stopped.
Answer: C
Select two suitable statements regarding the pg_dump command.
A. pg_dump is an SQL command.
B. Only the user who executed initdb can execute pg_dump.
C. pg_dump can create a backup while postmaster is running.
D. pg_dump can create a backup while postmaster is stopped.
E. pg_dump can create a backup of a specified table.
Answer: C, E
QUESTION: 49 Based on the following request, select the most appropriate command for creating a database cluster.
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Welcome to download the newest Examwind 300-075 dumps:
Written by Ralph K. Merritt
We are here to help you study for Cisco certification exams. We know that the Cisco series (CCNP, CCDE, CCIE, CCNA, DevNet, Special and other certification exams are becoming more and more popular, and many people need them. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we are committed to providing candidates with the most comprehensive and comprehensive Accurate exam preparation resources help them successfully pass the exam and realize their career dreams. The Exampass blog we established is based on the Pass4itsure Cisco exam dump platform and is dedicated to collecting the latest exam resources and conducting detailed classification. We know that the most troublesome thing for candidates during the preparation process is often the massive amount of learning materials and information screening. Therefore, we have prepared the most valuable preparation materials for candidates to help them prepare more efficiently. With our rich experience and deep accumulation in Cisco certification, we provide you with the latest PDF information and the latest exam questions. These materials not only include the key points and difficulties of the exam, but are also equipped with detailed analysis and question-answering techniques, allowing candidates to deeply understand the exam content and master how to answer questions. Our ultimate goal is to help you study for various Cisco certification exams, so that you can avoid detours in the preparation process and get twice the result with half the effort. We believe that through our efforts and professional guidance, you will be able to easily cope with exam challenges, achieve excellent results, and achieve both personal and professional improvement. In your future career, you will be more competitive and have broader development space because of your Cisco certification.
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